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[개발 일지] 23. 10. 05. Thur 【 To-do list 】 - Unity 자격증 취득하기 - C# Developers: Learn the Art of Writing Clean Code 【 In progress 】 - Unity certified professional programmer 【 Done 】 - Ios & Swift - The Complete iOS App Development Bootcamp 더보기 Section 1 : Getting Started with iOS Development and Swift 5 1. Intro to the Course. What's coming up? 2. Download the Course Syllabus 3. The Giant List of Resources 4. How dose an App.. 2023. 10. 15.
[개발 일지] 23. 10. 04. Wed 【 To-do list 】 - Unity 자격증 취득하기 - C# Developers: Learn the Art of Writing Clean Code 【 In progress 】 - Unity certified professional programmer 【 Done 】 Ios & Swift - The Complete iOS App Development Bootcamp Section 1 : Getting Started with iOS Development and Swift 5 1. Intro to the Course. What's coming up? 2. Download the Course Syllabus 3. The Giant List of Resources 4. How dose an App Work?.. 2023. 10. 15.
[개발 일지] 23. 10. 03. Tue 【 To-do list 】 - Unity 자격증 취득하기 - C# Developers: Learn the Art of Writing Clean Code 【 In progress 】 - Unity certified professional programmer 【 Done 】 Ios & Swift - The Complete iOS App Development Bootcamp Section 1 : Getting Started with iOS Development and Swift 5 1. Intro to the Course. What's coming up? 2. Download the Course Syllabus 3. The Giant List of Resources 4. How dose an App Work?.. 2023. 10. 3.
[개발 일지] 23. 10. 02. Mon 【 To-do list 】 - Unity 자격증 취득하기 - C# Developers: Learn the Art of Writing Clean Code 【 In progress 】 - Unity certified professional programmer 【 Done 】 Ios & Swift - The Complete iOS App Development Bootcamp Section 1 : Getting Started with iOS Development and Swift 5 1. Intro to the Course. What's coming up? 2. Download the Course Syllabus 3. The Giant List of Resources 4. How dose an App Work?.. 2023. 10. 3.