【 운동 프로그램 설명 】
- Unity 자격증 취득하기
【 In progress 】
- Unity Certified Professional: Programmer
- C#과 유니티로 배우는 게임 개발 올인원 패키지 Online.
【 Done 】
- Unity Certified Professional: Programmer
Chapter 1 : Core Interaction Programming
Section 1 : Evaluating Project Requirements
1. About the Unity Certified Programmer Exam
2. Introduction to Course 1
3. About the Challenges and Solutions
4. Challenge 1 Intro - Scripting Needs
5. Asterax Requirements Doc
6. Challenge 1 Assignment - Scripting Needs
7. Soulution 1 - Scripting Needs
8. Challenge 1 - Scripting Needs
9. Practice Exam - Scripting Needs
Section 2 : Basic User Input and Object Management
10. Challenge 2 Intro - Player Movement and Firing
11. Challenge 2 Requirements - Player Movement and Firing
12. AsteraX Movement Challenge
Section 1 : Evaluating Project Requirements
1. About the Unity Certified Programmer Exam
2. Introduction to Course 1
3. About the Challenges and Solutions
4. Challenge 1 Intro - Scripting Needs
5. Asterax Requirements Doc
6. Challenge 1 Assignment - Scripting Needs
7. Soulution 1 - Scripting Needs
8. Challenge 1 - Scripting Needs
9. Practice Exam - Scripting Needs
Section 2 : Basic User Input and Object Management
10. Challenge 2 Intro - Player Movement and Firing
11. Challenge 2 Requirements - Player Movement and Firing
12. AsteraX Movement Challenge
【 Reflect 】
방황은 그만하고, 유니티 시험에 제대로 도전하자. 더 이상 미뤄서는 안 된다. 지금 당장 시험을 신청할 것이다. 그리고 준비가 되었든 안되었든 시험을 칠 것이다. 그리고 매일 공부를 하도록 하자. 간단하게 생각하자. 유니티 자격증 시험만 일단 생각하자.

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[개발 일지] 23. 11. 03. Fri (0) | 2023.11.06 |
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